My First Art Opening

The painting continues...time is moving quickly these days...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lonely Window

The title pretty much says it.
You can look out windows all you want but at some point you will actually need to go outside.
This painting has a lot of dark sections, which hopefully focus the viewer on the blue sky and clouds.
The lamp was there, but I moved it into the current location.
The rolls of paper and stacks of drawings will hopefully give you the idea that an architect worked here.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Last Days of Desko

This is the beginning if the end.
This was the view from my office window at the Pacific building in downtown Portland. Well, it was one of the views.
In any case, I will no longer have this view as I have been "let go".
I am in the process of starting my own architecture business and hope to also spend more time painting.
Now is a good time to buy a painting if you were interested.

Extra Paint

I have a pad of canvas "paper" that I have been playing with.
When I had extra paint from the last painting, I had these there canvases taped up next to my easel and I used some of the richer colors to try to be abstract.
I also have visited the Rothko exhibit a few times and was inspired. After looking at the Rothko paintings I had a dumb-ass "I could do that" moment. If you look at his paintings in person, you wonder how they got as popular as they did because they are poorly painted. Don't get me wrong, I like his work, but I was amazed at how simplistic and primitive it looked and felt in person.

In some ways, it seems like this kind of gut level understanding is what he would have appreciated.
Do go see the Rothko exhibit at the Portland Art Museum and also see the John Frame exhibit on the second floor as a counter point.

Portland Morning

I am a morning person, which is good in Portland because that is the most likely time to see the sun.
The early morning sun burns the gray off the city landscape. It is the contrast that is so amazing.
This is a 30x40 painting and I think that I get close to the feeling of the light and dark. Painting atmosphere (the fade you get over distance) is still a mystery to me, but I will keep at it.